Main point: icicles are the opposite of Ice Dam.
Ever Clean enclosed solid hooded gutters reduce the likelihood of Ice Dam as the hood allows the ice to shed from the roof, sometimes resulting in icicles. Allowing the frozen material to shed the roof, as opposed to being trapped and building up on the roof, is the best protection for the wood framing components.
Traditional/open gutters tend to collect and freeze melting water within the gutter trough and when completely filled/clogged the ice then begins to build up on roof and wood framing of the house including fascia board and soffit. This is called Ice Dam and is very damaging to the wood, often penetrates vapor layers and presents unwanted moisture on the interior ceilings, walls, windows.
Both icicles and ice dam’s are the byproducts of either improper heat loss or improper roof ventilation within the home. The Ever Clean gutter does not create ice cycles, in the same way the roof shingles do not create the snow load and melting process, just as the sidewalks do not create the ice formed on their surfaces.
If icicles are new to you, then know that prior to using the Ever Clean Gutter System your ice was simple damned up in the open gutters, pushing them further away from the house and weakening their fasteners with the weight of the ice.
And remember, you have two lifetime warranties with Ever Clean Gutter System: one that the gutter will never clog and ANOTHER that the Ever Clean Gutter will NEVER pull away from your home, no matter the frozen circumstances.