8 Things you MUST Know before Buying Gutters
8 THINGS YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW BEFORE BUYING ANY CLOG FREE SYSTEM! So you are considering a clog free gutter system. Congratulations and do your homework before making the investment. Tricky thing about clog free gutters: Lots of systems are available to keep the leaves out of the gutters, but most of those systems have…
Wet Kentucky February: What This Means for Homeowners
Homeowners beware: February 2018 closes as the wettest February on record in the Commonwealth with more than 10 inches of rain recorded. The flood stories are heartbreaking and we are hopeful for moderation as our Spring comes in these next months. This is the time to conduct your own inspection on your home for any…
Is your gutter STRONG?
Gutters strong enough to stay in place when filled with ICE? Strong enough to maintain proper slope towards the downspout…..so when the air temperature does rise above 32 degrees the gutter will DRAIN? Homeowners call our office describing their rain water problems throughout all seasons in Central Kentucky. Their concerns are about rain water that…
Water Damage during Wet Season
Hurricane Season can bring sweeping effects to inland area homes. We all have our hearts and checkbooks in action to help those suffering Harvey’s damage in the Gulf coast, but we also need to prepare our own south central houses for the extreme rainfall heading this way now. AARP Home Owners Guide Gutters are also…
Searching For the Right Gutter?
You are not alone. These days, the great majority of consumers literally search the internet for answers about products to make purchase decisions. In case you haven’t noticed, the internet offers unlimited information, which can be overwhelming. Almost as overwhelming as this image of another failed gutter we typically see. At the Ever Clean offices,…